Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, Elijah!

Elijah Robert was born at 10:47 am on December 23rd, 2008.

Yesterday was my sweet baby boy's first birthday. That tiny baby is now a social, active, joy-filled toddler. He loves his mommy and daddy and his dog. His smile is infectious and people can't help but smile back when they meet him.

One year ago my life was forever changed. For so long I had wondered what I was supposed to do with my life, if I had a purpose. When I looked into the eyes of that precious boy for the first time, I understood. If all I ever do is love on this boy and raise him to love the Lord, it will be more than enough.

Happy birthday, sweet little man. Mommy and daddy love you SO much!

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward." - Psalm 127:3


heather_k said...

Seriously Melissa, I cried. This is so perfectly true in so many ways. You couldnt have said it better. Happy Birthday Eli!!

Anonymous said...

You are already doing such an amazing job! You put so much thought and planning into every decision you make about his care - he is blessed to have such a thoughtful and purposeful mommy!

Emily, wife of Jeremy said...

Oh how time flies. He's so adorable. I can't wait for a boy of my own. : )

Amelia said...

Beautiful. I knew you would be a wonderful mommy. : ) God is so good.

Chelsea said...

Beautiful post! So well written!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your darling, Melissa! He is such a joy to so many! The world doesn't even know yet what an awesome guy he's gonna grow up to be! Happy birthday, Eli!