"...by constantly praying when feelings of stress and strain come over me, I am freed from their grip. When I spend that close fellowship time with the Lord at the beginning of the day, my heart is in tune and is worshipful and reverent. What a beautiful way to start a day. But it doesn't end there, at the "amen" before getting the children up for breakfast. As we go through the day, the Holy Spirit will inspire us to do what He calls us to do. He will grant us the wisdom and resources we need to homeschool, to be a wife, and to be a mother. Contrast that with just jumping out of bed in the morning, grabbing a cup of coffee, waking the children, and getting started on the day - without any quiet time or instruction from the Lord. I've done the latter, and it doesn't bear good fruit. I am quickly absorbed with my kingdom, and I am either overwhelmed by busyness or I accomplish little because I am so overwhelmed that I go in circles because I don't know where to start." - 'A Guide to Getting it in Gear' from Homeschool Enrichment Jul/Aug 2010
Going in circles because I don't know where to start accurately describes my day to day life. How much different would my life look if I made an effort to spend time with the Lord at the beginning of every day? Even if I am getting things done, it doesn't matter how Martha I am around the house if I cannot first be like Mary.
God, of course, didn't stop this lesson with this article. I stumbled across THIS post on Women Living Well about making our homes a haven. When I read about what kind of woman it takes to make her home a haven, I was saddened by the realization that I am more like the woman described in Home #1 in the article. I am often distant, distracted, crabby and discontent. Worst of all, I do not pray enough. It's interesting to think that the first four things mentioned would be significantly remedied if I would just do the last thing. So, I am taking part in Courtney's challenge to make my home a haven for my family and all who enter it. That is my calling, and I want to see to it well while always remembering that I cannot possibly accomplish any of it on my own.
Oh Melissa...I am always struggling with this myself. Yet finding time with the Lord is always at the bottom of my list. I have it backwards for sure! I miss you mama. How is the pregnancy going?!
Awesome post Melissa! I just started reading "Having a Mary Spirit" and it's quite appropriate for me during this time in my life.
Wow, I feel like you just described me! Great post. I'm joining you!
Thanks for posting this. This is such a struggle for me as well, and it's nice to know I am not the only one. Thanks for being so honest!
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