Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Young Mother's Daybook - January 13th, 2010

I've seen these daybook posts on other blogs and have always enjoyed them. They are simple way to keep me in the blogging groove.

For Today - January 13th, 2010

Outside my window - Melting snow! Sunshine! The bitter cold winter wonderland of last week is saying goodbye (hopefully for a long time!)

I am thinking - of all the things I want to accomplish this year. I am planning a more detailed post on this subject, but among those things are creating a book list for the year, planning my first garden, and establishing a schedule and home organization system.

I am thankful for - the wisdom of my husband, who is able to talk me out of the pit I find myself falling into more often than I care to admit.

From the learning rooms - My sweet boy is actively exploring the world around him and figuring out how things work. It's fun to watch him mimic adults. This past year with him has been the start of an amazing journey.

From the kitchen - chocolaty brownie bites in the oven...mmm :)

I am wearing - jeans, fuzzy socks, pink tee and a gray sweater.

I am going - Nowhere today! (I think)

I am reading - I am about to start Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I think my goal for the year is going to be to read one fiction and one non fiction book a month.

I am hoping - Just hoping. Hope is something that I need to find rest and comfort in every day. Praise God for the hope we have in Jesus, no matter what is happening in our lives.

I am hearing - "Mighty is the Power of the Cross" by Chris Tomlin. I love Pandora!

Around the house - I'm trying to get it nice and clean for my in-laws' visit this weekend. I still need to vacuum and dust the living room today. I am also very proud to say that I made great progress in organizing our back room/my "office"/craft room/storage area this week (it's a room with many purposes!).

One of my favorite things - A clean kitchen!

A few plans for the rest of the week - Not much, which is nice sometimes. We have small group tomorrow night, then I will grocery shop on Friday, and Rob's parents will be here Friday evening.

A photo for today -
My little monkey figured out how to climb into our papasan.

You can find more daybooks at The Simple Woman's Daybook.


Anonymous said...

I love Pandora, too! AND I love brownie bites and that pic of Eli in the bird's nest chair. :o)

~SHANNON~ said...

Oh I'm so glad I found you! I LOVE when people to the "day book"- it's like a peek into their private world. I'm following you, and adding you to my blog roll so I can stop back again. I hope that's OK! What an adorable family!

The Blonde Duck said...

I love a clean kitchen.

The only M&C he likes besides the box is his dad's restaurant's...I can't compete with that!

Crystal Escobar said...

A day book, what a fun idea. I loved reading yours :) mmmm brownie bites. You should read my, That Time Of Month post (I posted it last week), lol, hmmm, wonder why I'm craving brownies now:)

Juliana said...

I REALLY enjoyed reading this and hope to join in on the fun sometime!!!! Oh... I am a new follower. Please come follow back if you would like. I am doing some great giveaways right now (ipod nano and itunes giftcard) and have some great ones coming up! Nice to meet