Thursday, December 18, 2008

Last night I began having strong contractions that were five minutes apart. We went to the hospital around 10:00pm. They started monitoring me, and the contractions just kept getting stronger. I was sure that I had to be dilating like crazy. I just knew that I was going to have my little boy by now. Well, by 1:30am I had only dilated another centimeter so we came home. So right now I am at 3cm and 90% effaced. I really hope that I'm not one of those women who walks around forever like that with nothing else ever happening. I'm hoping that the contractions just start coming like crazy or my water breaks soon.

I decided to clean my whole house tonight. Gotta love that nesting instinct :) Maybe if I just keep cleaning and doing things my body will react the way I want it to. I can only sit around so much. Patience is a virtue I was not born with, so this waiting is making me crazy!

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